German company sets up operations in Wake Forest - Carl Zeiss Optronics
Minaret Ban approved by Swiss Voters - Al Jazeera English article
Deutsch 1
Wie ist das Wetter? - Worksheet!
Indefinite Articles - Nominative and Accusative case
Plural Forms - conversation
Deutsch 2
das Imperfekt - Short writing assignment
das Imperfekt - eine kleine Liste von schwachen Verben
Another essay assignment in the simple past tense.
Notes on the imperfect tense
Kapitel 2 Test - Retake!!!! - Ignore the field that says ID
das Imperfekt exercise
Deutsch 3
Erntedankfest - Vocabulary for the Thanksgiving holiday
Thanksgiving besprechen - overhead copy
die Schweiz und Zürich
Schreibtipps - a few things to remember when you write German.
new verbs to use for your family essay
Relative Clauses - Powerpoint
Relative Pronouns - Boardwork
Relative Clauses - Notesheet
Relative Clauses - website from Dartmount University
Relative Pronouns Conversation Exercise