Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Woche 14 und 15 - Thanksgiving Woche!
German company sets up operations in Wake Forest - Carl Zeiss Optronics
Minaret Ban approved by Swiss Voters - Al Jazeera English article
Deutsch 1
Wie ist das Wetter? - Worksheet!
Indefinite Articles - Nominative and Accusative case
Plural Forms - conversation
Deutsch 2
das Imperfekt - Short writing assignment
das Imperfekt - eine kleine Liste von schwachen Verben
Another essay assignment in the simple past tense.
Notes on the imperfect tense
Kapitel 2 Test - Retake!!!! - Ignore the field that says ID
das Imperfekt exercise
Deutsch 3
Erntedankfest - Vocabulary for the Thanksgiving holiday
Thanksgiving besprechen - overhead copy
die Schweiz und Zürich
Schreibtipps - a few things to remember when you write German.
new verbs to use for your family essay
Relative Clauses - Powerpoint
Relative Pronouns - Boardwork
Relative Clauses - Notesheet
Relative Clauses - website from Dartmount University
Relative Pronouns Conversation Exercise
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Woche 13 - anfangs Montag, der 16. November 2009
Wie ist das Wetter?? - Vokabel
Deutsch 2
Wohin sollen wir in den Ferien fahren?
Fotos - in die Ferien fahren wir!
Vokabel - Ferien
Deutsch 3
What is your Dark Ages Character? - create your own Character from the dark ages of Europe. Read rubric of this Dark Ages Assignment and Check out my Dark Ages profile!
Verb tense Review
Stammbaum von der Simpsonfamilie
Die Simpsons - Fragen!
Der Stammbaum - ein Spiel!
Kapitel 3A Fragen
Die Oma kommt!!
Familie / Nachbarn / wenn/als/wann
Deutsch 4
Musikterminologie - kurze Liste
Musik besprechen
Hausaufgabe - Lesen 108 - 112; Übung A - Seite 111 / Seiten 304 - 307; Übungen A, B, Seiten 306-307
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Week 11 - beginning Monday November 2, 2009
- Accusative Case in German
- Conversation Exercise - Was hast du da in der Tüte?
- School Vocabulary
- School Subjects in German
- Blog Entry from Last year - Nominative versus Accusative
- Accusative case worksheet
- School Vocabulary - discussing School Subjects
- Schulprojekt
- School Essay Assignment
Deutsch 2
- In der Jugendherberge!
- Jugendherberge Projekt
- Reflexive Verbs in German
- Reflexive Verbs in German, Part II
- Reflexive Verbs - Cybergerman Explanation
- Reflexive Verbs - Exercise
- Reflexive Verbs - Exercise II
- Reflexive Verbs - Exercise III
- Reflexive Verbs - Conversation Exercise
Deutsch 3
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Woche 10 - anfangs Montag der 26. Oktober 2009
Deutsch 3
Quiz answer key
Schlussübung - Kapitel 1 -Anmerkungsblatt
Erich Kästner
Emil und die Detektive - Übung
Hausaufgabe - Beginnt Kapitel 2 - Gestern und Heute, pages 32-40, exercises 1,2,3,4 - total schreiben!!
AP Deutsch
Indirekte Rede - Projekt
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Woche 9 - der 19. Oktober
Was möchtest du am Wochenende machen?
Was gibt's heute im Fernsehen?
Deutsch 3
Kapitel 1 Quiz - Wortschatz
AP Deutsch
Übungen G,H,I, Seiten 388-389
Lesen genau, Seiten 390-398
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Week 8 - der 12. Oktober 2009 Deutsch bei Enloe High School
Review some present tense forms - worksheet!
More Fun with present tense - worksheet!
haben - to have - conjugation
Online Quiz - Present Tense forms of verbs
Deutsch 2
Komparativ und Superlativformen - Übung
vergleichen wir!! - Let's Compare!
National German Exam - info page
Deutsch 3
Wer sind die Personen? Mehr Fragen zu den Texten.
Gespräch beenden - conjunctions: usage!
National German Exam - Info Page
Homework: lesen Seiten 7-9 ganz genau, dann lesen Seiten 15 - 21. Schreiben #16
European Railway Server
Train Videos
Wikipedia Entry - TGV Train
Deutsch 4
"Bei den Wessis ist jeder für sich" - Text analysieren, organisieren - Seiten 58ff.
Wikipedia-Eintrag - die Europäische Union
National German Exam - info page
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Week 7 - Deutsch bei Enloe High School
Kommst du rüber? - conversation
Wohin gehst du? - conversation
Review homework together
Grammatical gender among German nouns - discussion
German word order in sentences
German Word order - Part 2
Nouns in german - the nominative case
Present tense of German Verbs
conjugation of sein - to be
Conjugation of haben - to have
Was machst du in der Freizeit?
Present tense Assignment
New infinitives in German!
Present tense conjugations - 1st and 2nd person (informal), singular
Present tense conjugations - 3rd person, singular
Present tense conjugations - 1st and 2nd person (informal), plural
Was machen sie in der Freizeit???
Was machst du gern in der Freizeit?
Deutsch 3
Lesen genau Seiten 2 - 7 - Die Welt - Vokabeln, usw
eine Liste von Gebieten der Welt
Landkarte Projekt
Übungen - mit Vokabeln glossiert
Wikipedia.de - resource for German language studies
Fragen zur Geografie
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Week 6 - den 28.September 2009
Conversation from Friday - am Telefon.
Sound file, in mp3, of this conversation.
Telling Time in German
Wie spät ist es? - Powerpoint, or directory of images.
Wohin gehst du denn? - vocabulary
List of cities which you will randomly pick
City Brochure Project
Deutsch 2
If your essay has the word rewrite on it, you must rewrite your essay, incorporating all of my comments on it. Turn in your old essay and your rewritten one together: due Friday.
Eine Reise durch Deutschland - Projekt Rubrik
Deutsch 3
Was passt was an? - die Bundesländer - due tomrrow along with your vocabulary list and notes!
using ob and dass in conversation
using weil in conversation
nachdem and bevor and the past perfect tense - notes
nachdem and bevor - exercise - answer key
Da ist viel Verkehr!! - Skits - to be performed on Friday!
Group Log / Critique of group members
Deutsch 4
Rewrite your essay on technology.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Week 5 - den 21. September
Deutsch 1
Monday after school is an opportunity to get a higher grade on that test I gave you all last week. Just pop in if you're unhappy, and we'll go from there. If you would like to enlist some peer tutoring from members of the German National Honor Society, send me an email at nkandah@wcpss.net and then I'll forward your email to a member of the honor society, then you and the member can set up a time at your convenience.
Meine Familie - talking about your family!
Familientreffen - family reunion - conversation
This Thursday your Familienfotoalbums are due!
Tomorrow your 3 math problems are due, using numbers from 21-infinity! Write your numbers fully!
Telling Time in German
Deutsch 2
Wie komme ich am besten dahin? - Verkehrsmittel!
Was hast du gestern gemacht? - Conversation!
Verbs to Know - a modest list
das Perfekt - Essay assignment
Giving Street Directions in German
Deutsch 3
Verben mit Präpositionen - Schreibübung.
Weißt du, ob....? - Conversation Exercise
Conjunctions exercise
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Week 4 - Deutsch bei Enloe
We'll review a bit for our Test on Unit, which is Tuesday of this week.
Topics include: Greetings, Introductions, numbers 0-20, talking about ages, origins, other people.
Die Familie!! - key words
Conversation about your family
Projekt - ein Familienfotoalbum! Rubrik hier!
City Projekt - Brochure of your City. Requirements here.
numbers in German (and other languages!)
Deutsch 2
Test this Tuesday on the Dative case, chapter 10. Monday we review for it.
Bundesliga!! Spielbericht - der 5. Spieltag - go to the Bundesliga website and get info on your team. - due Wednesday!
Deutsch 3
Monday we review a bit for our Test on Tuesday - Test is on chapter 10 - past perfect, professions, visiting the doctor, da/dahin difference.
Powerpoint - Deutschland ein neuer Anfang
On your vocabulary list you made, answer the questions in complete sentences (German, of course!) and write 5 questions of your own, plus answers.
Deutsch 4
Prepare for our test on Tuesday concerning Kapitel 1 - verbs in the present.
AP Deutsch
Short stories are due today, along with vocabulary list.
Review briefly for exam on Tuesday - subjunctive II
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Week 3 - Deutsch bei Enloe High School
On Friday, we created a name plate for our desks with some large index cards and coloring pencils, etc. We decoratively wrote our German first and last names on these cards to put on our desks each day. We also colored our maps of Germany, the various states, etc. And we chose a German city to be from. Here is a link to the Wikipedia Entry of Germany and her 16 states (Bundesländer)
Woher kommst du? Asking where someone is from.
Unit 1 Online Quiz - IGNORE THE FIELD THAT SAYS ID. When you are done click Grade and Submit- Have fun!
Die Zahlen auf Deutsch - 1 - 20
Wie alt bist du? - asking how old someone is
Deutschland - die Bundesländer - Wikipedia Entry
Wo wohnst du? Asking where someone lives
Deutsch 2
Deutscher Fussball! - die Bundesliga - Offizielle Website
Wikipedia Entry on the German soccer leagues - Deutsche Bundesligen
Deutsch 3
Expressing aches and pains in German - Notesheet
Vocab exercise - Pain and Suffering in German
Rate Mal! -Guess what your neighbor has
beim Arzt - conversational exercise
Medical vocabulary - from about.com
Germany's Health care System - one perspective
NPR story about the German Health Care system
Deutsch 4
Syllabus for German 4 Class.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Week 2 - Deutschunterricht bei Enloe School
Deutsch 1
Review Greetings, etc. with Conversation
Talking about other people
Partnerwork - Wie heißt er? Und wie heißt sie?
Review Sheet - Greetings, Introductions
German Names - choose a German surname (family name)
Notes - alternative way of asking who someone is: Wer ist das?
Deutsch 2
Review body parts with partnerwork - Was machen sie mit dem Körperteil?
Notes: Case in German, Dative case in particular
Verbs in German that always have dative case objects
Dative Case endings - Assignment
Wem kaufst du das? - Conversation 1
Deutsch 3
pdf File of list of irregular verbs in German - for Deutsch 2, 3, 4 und auch APGerman!
Berufe! - ein kleines Mini-Projekt
Ayse geht zum Zahnarzt! - Fragen zum Verständnis
the past perfect - das Plusquamperfekt
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Lessons for Week 1
Click this link to view some essential weblinks for your first lessons in German!
Guten Tag and Auf Wiedersehen - Handout/Notesheet for you!
Wie geht es dir? Wie geht es Ihnen? - Asking how are you??
Deutsch 2
Body Parts in German - Quizlet!
German Medical Vocabulary
Der Körper - Image!
Deutsch 3
Berufe! Was willst du mal in der Zukunft werden?
Massive List of oldtime German professions
More professions in German
Hausaufgabe - lesen Seiten 305-307, mit Anmerkungsblatt
Deutsch 4
Beginnen wir Thema 1 - Freizeit - mit Partner/Klassendiskussion über unsre Lieblingsfreizeitbeschäftigungen
Besprechen wir die Graphik - Freizeitstudie - Seite 6 - Gedanken und Meinungen zum Inhalt.
Hausaufaufgabe - Projekt - Meine Woche - Gruppenarbeit #1, Seite 8 - Sieh Rubrik davon!
Lesen Seiten 9 - 11 - 50 000 Skater voll auf der Rolle!
Kapitel 1 - Seiten 242-247 - Schreiben A, B und C
AP German
Auf ein Blatt Papier stellt eine grosse Liste von neuen Vokabeln, Ausdrücken, usw von der Erzählung Frau Hitt. benutzt die Website, http://dict.leo.org/ als Hilfsmittel. Mindestens 2o Einträge auf der Liste.
Hausaufgabe: Übung D, Seite 352. Im Konjunktiv II, natürlich!!
Pacing Guides and Guidelines Information
Here are copies various pacing guides that I will use to guide instruction this year.
German 1 Pacing Guide
German 2 Pacing Guide
German 3 Pacing Guide
Enloe High School Rules will be strictly enforced, especially the tardy policy. If you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings, you'll be assigned detention on the next possible ASD (after-school detention) day, which will be announced/written on the side announcement board in our classroom. Here is a copy of tardy slips I'll use to assign these dreaded detentions:
Tardy Slips for Excessive/Unproductive talking and tardiness
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Course Guidelines and Expectations
Course Guidelines and Expectations for German at Enloe - 2009-2010
Course Guidelines for German Level 4, 2008-2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ich heiße Euch . . . . Willkommen!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thoughts on the Israel/Palestine Conflict
Normally when I read rabidly pro-Israel letters to the editor in local newspapers, I ascribe them to a large and vocal group of misguided people overdosing on mainstream media a la Fox News and/or rigid religious sentiment. These people are earnest, and in my view somewhat harmless and predictable. In our great country, the right to spout off without encouraging violence and besmirching someone's character is absolute, but the latest spate of one-sided apologistic letters coincident with Israel's latest firebombing of Gaza, part and parcel of the low level of discourse on the Israel/Palestine conflict in America, contained some of the most overly simplistic, trite, offensive and rightfully dishonest statements that I have ever seen in support of Israeli aggression. It was as if the Israeli Government Press Office wrote the letters. I honestly couldn't believe the editor would allow the use of the word “barbarians” in reference to Hamas and the Islamic world on the editorial page. Since when do we as a society use the term barbarians to describe people fighting for their political rights in their own lands? Are we still living in Roman times, when anyone not like you are considered barbaric and undeserving of humane treatment? In any case, it was quite a low blow. Would you allow a comparison of Israel's treatment of Gaza to the Nazi treatment of the Warsaw Jewish ghettos, where resistance to racist oppression was met with cruelty and death. People of far great intellectual strength have made the comparison, but I am sure the Keystone Cops of Middle East Diplomacy seen on these pages would have cried foul and probably call me an anti-Semitic misanthrope or some such nonsense.
I would like to now attempt to blow holes in the common arguments many Israel supporters made during the last Israeli onslaught. First off, I'll say I count myself among supporters of Israel – I have travelled there numerous times, in both Palestine and Israel, and I find the peoples there welcoming and gracious, despite the tense and violent political climate under which they're forced to live. The first argument: What if Mexico or Manitoba, Canada or some such adjacent province, launched missiles at American towns? Shouldn't we respond too like the Israelis? The argument is based on the faulty assumption that the peoples of Manitoba or Mexico are living under the same set of circumstances as Gazans. Why would Canadians or Mexicans attack us? America hasn't kept them under siege for 5 years. We haven't killed their elected leaders with bombs that result too often in civilian death and massive property damage. America hasn't gone around the world pressuring leaders to boycott the elected municipal leaders of Manitoba or Mexico, and we haven't played patty-cake with vital fuel, food and medicines that need to flow into the area for the needs of the people. My point is, if we had treated our neighbors like this for a long time, and these neighbors got fed up and fight back, we have mostly ourselves to blame for Mexican or Canadian missiles. And Israeli harassment of the Palestinians during its brutal multigenerational occupation breeds nothing but contempt and animus.
It wouldn't mean we shouldn't or couldn't respond to Canadian and Mexican attack. The right to self-defense among nations is generally accepted but is no way absolute, especially if another way to a ceasefire is present. And in the case of Israel/Palestine, there are numerous UN Security Council Resolutions in play, frameworks of agreement left over from the waning days of the Clinton Adminstration, the Oslo Accords, the Geneva Memorandum written by leading Israeli and Palestinian academics and diplomats, and the 2002 Saudi Peace Plan, endorsed by the Arab League, that crystalized the essence of the Arab view of Israel: they are ready for normalized relations with the Jewish State, across the Arab world, in exchange for just peace made with the Palestinians involving a two-state solution roughly along the 1967 Green Line borders. All these frameworks and understandings could coalesce into a durable peace. The Arab World including the Palestinians are ready to recognize Israel culturally and economically, but not while Israel keeps terrorizing Palestinians in their own homes and villages. Seems reasonable enough.
This conflict between Israel and the Palestinians cannot be solved by military means. If military might could solve it, then the Israelis would have won a long time ago, decisively. The IDF is a killer machine, albeit sometimes undisciplined, that can “fold, spindle and mutilate / those unbelievers from a neighboring state” with the best of them. It's a political conflict that needs to be solved by political agreements mediated by devoted, competent peacemakers who understand both sides equally and sympathetically. Wildly waving the flag of one side in a conflict that honestly has no first tier security significance for Americans (remember, Israel's security needs and American security needs are distinct), aside from the evidence that American complicity in Israeli aggression does create anti-US sentiment throughout the world, is juvenile and simplistic. Hamas doesn't plot and conspire to kill Americans, as far as I know, they plot and conspire to kill and maim Israelis, soldiers and civilians also, in their retrograde war against Israeli occupation.
So the Mexican-USA / Gaza – Israel analogy is ridiculous, and anyone making it is hereby christened an ignorant partisan. Another empty argument: Israel left Gaza completely in 2005, and the Gazans responded with rockets. This is a common strain from Israeli-apologists, and it's bogus. The era of Hamas rockets came after Ariel Sharon's last gasp as the Israeli leader – known for his violent, deadly outbursts on the battlefield against innocent Arab civilians - enacted his unilateral withdrawal from Gaza. The world was supposed see this stroke of Sharon's gesture in a positive light, as if the Israelis made great sacrifices in leaving Gaza. They shouldn't have been there in the first place, first of all, and when they finally adhered to handpicked portions of UN Security Resolutions relevant to the Israel/Palestine conflict and left Gaza, they forgot to leave behind the keys to the great wall that imprisons this coastal strip. It's not a withdrawal when you remain in control of all border crossings, airspace, sea lanes, and when you exploit unhindered access to Gaza neighborhoods by air, land and sea with high-tech weaponry. Israel never withdraw from Gaza, they created the largest open air prison in the world, and bombed and strafed the region endlessly ever since their unilateral folly of withdrawal. Ariel Sharon's actions underscore the abject futility of unilateralism in this conflict and only lend support of face-to-face negotiations between parties, including Hamas, in this age-old war over land.
President Bush's only righteous action he accomplished in the region is the encouragement and assistance given to the Palestinians in holding parliamentary elections in 2006. By all accounts, it was the freest and fairest election the Middle East had ever seen. Pity he didn't respect the results of the election when Hamas won a majority in parliament. Most likely through pressure by highly vocal minority groups in this country, our former President once again squandered an opportunity by ignoring the will of the Palestinians and refusing to give Hamas a chance to govern. Boycotts began, international aid was withdrawn, and the Palestinians were left to wonder about America's fealty to democratic values. The loser party, Fatah, couldn't tolerate the results either and with assistance from Israel and America attempted to wrest power from Hamas in Gaza. Another failure of American/Israel policy ensued – this American/Israel sponsored civil war between Palestinians - and Hamas was left in total control of the Gaza Strip with a solid undercurrent of support in the West Bank where Fatah, the remnants of the PLO, assumed power.
It's not suprising why Hamas won. They have had a long history of providing vital services for the largest number of Palestinians. Hamas created and maintained schools, medical clinics, religious services in the communities they held sway, and they had a reputation for honesty in the courts and municipalities. People I have spoken with on the streets of Ramallah put more faith in Hamas-sponsored judicial appointments in the court systems than they did in Fatah-loyalists manning offices in the government buildings.
More later . . . . .