Deutsch 1
We're also looking at how German take their meals, their habits, customs, differences between American and German habits. Read the following links and write down a few differences for discussion on Wednesday in class.
Dining Etiquette in Germany
Dining out in Germany
Continue reading into Chapter 6B. We will do a major skit project that includes the following elements:
- Expressing wants and obligations
- Expressing what you want to eat and drink.
- Ordering food and drink from an Imbiss.

Move into Kapitel 4B - Tiere auf dem Bauernhof! We'll use some of the materials frm the following website: http://vs-material.wegerer.at/sachkunde/su_haushoftiere.htm and Zoo Schule Interaktiv
Deutsch 3
Relativpronomen - Übung
Do the readings from Kapitel 3B - finish the chapter!
Reread the text - Macht Stadtluft frei? Upon our return you'll have a vocabulary quiz on the reading. I'll take direct quotes from the text, sentences and phrases, and you'll render these quotes into acceptable English.
Deutsch 4
Lesen Sie noch einmal die ersten zwei Seiten von dem Roman „Es." Machen Sie fertig the Vokabelübungen von gestern. Hier sind Kopien davon:
nach der Überschwemmung - Vokabeln