Deutsch 1
Guidelines for the Course
Chapter 1 - notes - greetings, introductions
Review Greetings, etc. with Conversation
Talking about other people
Partnerwork - Wie heißt er? Und wie heißt sie?
Popular German First Names
Review Sheet - Greetings, Introductions
German Names - choose a German surname (family name)
Notes - alternative way of asking who someone is: Wer ist das?
Deutsch 2 - in review mode.
Guidelines for the Course
German 1 Essentials - Review Sheet!
Review Present perfect tense - conversation
Sein - in the present perfect tense
Was gibt's heute im Fernsehen? - conversation
Dative Conversations
Deutsch 3
Chapter 9 Notes and stuff
WO???? - conversation
Wohin???? - conversation with either/or prepositions
Deutsch 4
Kapitel 1 - Gespräche