German Day - 21. März, Donnerstag. Das ist ein B-Tag. Hier sind wichtige Links:
Rules of the Competitions - from last year's German Day event
German Day Website
Sign-up sheet - read the rules first before signing up
Letter to Parents - Info Sheet
Permission Form - German Day 2019
Poems for German Day this year.
Audio recordings of poems
Spelling Bee Words
Verb Bee List
German Day Winning T-Shirt Design, #wunderbarzusammen
German Day Registration Form, which shows all the different competitions. I will fill this out!! Just look to see the number of people I need to fully compete....and WIN!!!
Karaoke Songs - Lyrics and Music Videos
Permission to be a Passenger
Permission to Drive
Teacher Notification Form for Absence on German Day this week (B Day)
Shall we do a bracket at ESPN Sports? I created a group called Deutsch bei Enloe HS. Go to ESPN Sports and create an account to make a bracket, then join my group; I'll give you the password on a Remind message! Prizes!!
Deutsch 1
Quiz am Montag - Possessivadjektive und Personalpronomen Click the links for a review of these essential German words.
Kapitel 8 - Geburtstag - Geschenkideen
Ordinal Numbers
Deutsch 2
Filmfestival am Dienstag! Einkaufen!
Adjective Endings after Der-words - take a look at this link from Dartmouth University on adjective endings.
Adjectve Endungs after der-words - chart from the board
Deutsch 3
Kapitel 6 - Spuren der Geschichte - Studysheet für Dienstag nächster Woche,
Auf dem Klassentreffen - Review and Writing Assignment - at the end of the Presentation
Modalverben, Doppelinfinitiv, Imperfekt, Perfekt....und auch auf 'nem Klassentreffen!
Deutsch 4
Kapitel 16 - kurzes Portfolio