Welcome back, students. The last quarter is upon us, and there is a lot to do!! We'll make it to the end.
Final Exam Schedule for YOU!!!!!!
Separable Verbal Prefix - creating sentences
Storyboard Assignment - Was machst du denn? Mach etwas anderes!
Dative Case - conversation exercise
Gender Quiz - compare your answers.
einen Brief schreiben - Text mit Fragen - look up all underlined words and be prepared to answer the questions
Wo ist das Heft? - Gespräch
Wohin hast du das gestellt? - Gespräch
Board Notes - either/or prepositions
Either/or prepositions - writing assignment
einen Brief schreiben - Wiederholung
Technologie / Kommunikation
German 2 Overview - plus final exam project
Beim Zahnarzt - wichtige Vokabel
Video von Herr Kandah - als Beispiel, Vorbild, zum Inspirieren.....
Storyboard That - Berufe!! Short Comic.
Quiz - Beim Zahnarzt - etwas Grammatisches - Plusquamperfekt
Storyboard Assignment - Du siehst nicht gut aus! Du musst dich besser ernähren!
Walpurgisnacht - excerpt from Goethes Faust
Final Exam - Summative Speech to the Class
For the sub on Friday:
The students were asked to compile a large list of vocabulary from the “Walpurgisnacht” reading from Wednesday. They should now write a 20 line poem using the vocabulary they compiled, a poem thatcomplements the tone and subject matter of the text from Wednesday.
When complete they should begin study of Chapter 8, specifically, pages 271-277. Have them read and study these pages, alone or with a neighbor, and then write out exercises #13 (page 268), 18, and 19. They should submit these assignments to me on Tuesday of next week.
Puppentheater - den 2. Mai 2018
Kapitel 22 - Numerals and Measurements - Hausaufgabe: Read and study closely the entirety of Chapter 22 - write out F, H, S. 325 and Anwendung, page 326, A
Puppenshows - Link zu euren Präsentationen
Final Film Project
Chapter 23 - Self-Study - Week of May 14, 2018
Zertifikate - Letzte Aufgabe!!!
Zertifikate - Spreadsheet - zum Notieren