Guten Abend. Today was a fast-moving day at Enloe. We mostly went over guidelines and expectations of our respective German courses. We'll finish and continue reviewing these tomorrow in class. It is very important you all understand that learning a modern foreign language requires that teenagers speak and interact efficiently and effectively. But to do this requires both a higher level of self-control and also social risk-taking, which sometimes contradict each other in group settings. I could teach in a traditional manner, with loads of notes, lectures, etc. but it wouldn't be authentic second language learning. Review the guidelines closely.
Here are copies various pacing guides that I will use to guide instruction this year.
German 1 Pacing Guide
German 2 Pacing Guide
German 3 Pacing Guide
Enloe High School Rules will be strictly enforced, especially the tardy policy. If you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings, you'll be assigned detention on the next possible ASD (after-school detention) day, which will be announced/written on the side announcement board in our classroom. Here is a copy of tardy slips I'll use to assign these dreaded detentions:
Tardy Slips for Excessive/Unproductive talking and tardiness
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