Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hello everyone! Another year gone by at Enloe High School. It was an excellent year, I do declare. Enloe is a great place to be, and despite the rumblings at the school board meetings and the uncertainty of the new school board's policies, I have hope that the future bodes well for our fine school community that is Enloe.

I few highlights of the 2009-2010 year include the following:

First let's honor our seniors this year, graduating from Enloe and from our German program:
Amaanti S. (Elon University), Kurt S.H. (NC State), Nathaniel v.S. (Western Carolina), Ryan Baldridge (Eastern Carolina), Hannah E. (NC State), Justin D. (Appalachian State), Zack L. (NC State), Kurt P. (Wake Tech), Eric K. (UNC-Greensboro), David B. (UNC-Greensboro), Christina J. (Wake Tech), Eddie Z. (Wake Tech). Gratulation!

In January 2010, our German students took the National German Exam, and a good number of them scored in in the 80th percentile and above! There were several students who scored above the 90th percentile - Alexandra F., Brendan M., Mary Grayson B., Lily H. - and they were eligible to apply for a Summer Study Trip to Germany this summer. Alexandra and Brendan applied and made it to a final round. They didn't get the award, but their efforts in German language have been exemplary!! I was really proud of them!

In March 2010, we traveled to Winston-Salem for the annual German Day festivities, and we scored 2nd overall among the schools who attended! We had lots of winners: in the Kultur-Pokal - Mary Grayson B. Brenna Y. and Megan S., whose winning answer of Walther von der Vogelweide secured their first place win. We earned a third place commendation in the Songs competition with Kelly T., Chloe O., Lucas K. and Matt A. singing a rousing rendition of Moskau. Ann C. scored a first place in the Spelling Bee, which was awesome, and Joel G. scored a third place in the same competition. It was without a doubt a successful, fun day at Wake Forest University with our awesome students.

Because of these successes, the NC Chapter of the AATG decided to award me their annual Duden Award. I was really honored to receive this award, given the high number of excellent colleagues across the state teaching German. Because of our Enloe german students I got this award, so hats off to you all!

I am starting to plan for the GAPP's that time again! I posted a preliminary document about the trip for 2011 - dates, costs and what not - that you can peruse. This week I'll send CETA Tours, who took care of our Munich arrangements in the summer of 2009, info about our week in Berlin. If you're interested in going on the GAPP trip send me an email at and I'll put you on a mailing list. I set up a website for our previous GAPP trip,, and you can check it for some highlights of our trip in 2009. It was incredible, and I hope to replicate the experience in 2011!

We inducted new members of our Chapter of the German National Honor Society, Delta Epsilon Phi. They are Gabriela P., Nicole M., Christine M., Jasmine V., Brendan M. Good job, people!!

That's all for now! Have a great summer.

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