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Wie spät ist es? Wann kommst du rüber? |
Kapitel 2A - Review and three new verbs
Time Words in German - important time adverbials
Zum Kaufhaus! Conversation Exercise using time
Telling Time in German
Time Expressions Review
Websites for Creating a Coat of Arms
List of German mottos for your herald - choose one!
Making a coat of arms - ImaginOn
The Tree maker - coats of arms - symbols, clip art,etc
The Medieval Classroom - The Coat of Arms.
Word order of pronouns - conversation
Deutsch 3
Fragen, Kapitel 2A
Andere Fragen - in der Stadtmitte!
Strong Verbs whose principal parts you should know!
Sehenswürdigkeiten einer Stadt
Cities to Choose From!
Past tense Tense of verbs - notes
Stadtplan Projekt
An der Nordsee