Soon midterm exams begin at Enloe High School. Look at the Mid-Term schedule to see when your exams take place. We'll be reviewing for the exams starting next week. These exams will be cumulative exams and should cover all the material we've studied this year.
German 1 and 2 Midterm Review - Partner Work in class.
German 1 Mid term exam review sheet
German 2 Review for Mid Term Exam
AP German Midterm Stuff and AP Syllabus
German 1
Was esst ihr bei der Party? Conversation with food items.
Beim Imbiss - conversation
Some review notes, Kapitel 6 - wie schmeckt's?
More Review Notes for Kapitel 6
Was magst du lieber? - conversation
Magst du die Musik??
Was möchtest du am Wochenende machen?
Was gibt's denn? Conversation with müssen
Was willst du nach der Schule machen?
German 2
Demonstrative Pronouns - accusative
Demonstrative pronouns - dative case
Demonstrative Pronouns - notes
German 3
das Armaturenbrett - Vokabeln
das Armaturenbrett - Bilder zum Lernen
Verbs with Prepositions - exercise