Sunday, May 19, 2013

Das Ende kommt bald - stimmt das?

It has been a while since I updated this blog, and now the semester, the school year, is coming to a close. It was a great year at Enloe, as usual - great students, great school, great German exchange this year, an altogether rewarding 9 months or so of challenges, succeses, frustrations. Mostly awesomeness! Some things we did undertake this year:

Deutsches Wochenende - November, 2012. First time undertaking this overnight German Immersion excursion at Camp Caraway. Nine Enloe students went, and we had great fun.

German Club - excellent officers made this year a smash. We elected new officers, who are Sarah W. - returning as President, Justin M. - Vice President, Melanie N. - Treasurer, Kate N. - Secretary, and Jill J. - historian, a new position, that aims to chronicle the activities of our German Club through our blog at with pictures, minutes, summaries of each meeting, etc.

German Day - at UNC Greensboro, March 2013. While we didn't win 1st place overall like we wanted, we did place in several categories, and as always we brought the largest school contingent from North Carolina!

German-American Partnership Program - we welcomed a group of 15 students from our partner school in Schweztingen, Germany. By all accounts, great fun. Enloe families hosted our German friends with all-American hospitality, and we're gearing up for our three-week whirlwind tour starting on June 14, 2013. Germany, here we come!

Now a few important links that should help prepare students for the final exams this year.

German 1
Dative Case - short explanation with some exercises.
Wem kaufst du das Geschenk?
Dative Case exercise
Dative Case pronouns - exercise - Kapitel 10B
Was hast du vor? - Kapitel 9B - conversation
Chores - identify these