Note also my typical curricular post: organized by German class. And I'll also post links to appropriate German-related videos for everyone's benefit. And during the week I'll add items to the current posting.
Deutsch 1
German Cognates with English
Greetings in German - handout
the du-Sie dilemna in Germany - article. Read it and reflect on it in your notebooks.
Common German names for boys
Common German names for girls
Printable German Map
Wie geht's? Asking how one is doing.
Deutsch 2
Review all German 1 communicative topics
German 1 Review sheet of everything in German 1
Deutsch 3
Review all German 2 communicatve topics
Powerpoint Presentations for use with our review
Verben mit Präpositionen - Übung
irregular verbs in German - big list!

Deutsch 4
Gesundheit und Ernährung! Fragen zum Interviewen
Mit Ketschup in die Schule - Fragen
Mit Ketschup in die Schule, Seite 259 - lesen genau, Neue Vokabeln ablisten
Hausaufgabe: Seiten 260 - 265, Übung 10 - Lesen, lernen, neue Vokabeln ablisten, notieren.
Lektion 8A Quiz
Das Passiv in Deutsch - Anmerkungen
AP Deutsch
Video-Bericht - Anmerkungsblatt