Deutsch 1
Today, Wednesday, the 12th, your school essays are due. Rough drafts are a homework assignment, final drafts due for a minor assessment grade Friday.
We have a test on Chapter Test, Kapitel 4, - Die Schule!!! on Friday. Review and read everything in Chapter 4
Today we review some things with an online review presentation, then we'll read two important texts whose vocabulary and content will appear in some manner on the test on Friday. These texts are from your book, page 108, Schon früh in die Schule! and page 115, Land und Leute, Deutschland.
We'll also do a listening exercise today, Wednesday.
We'll watch the video for Chapter 4 on Thursday.
Very important that you have already begun preparing for the test!!!
Deutsch 2
Heute, Mittwoch den 12. November, beginnen wir, die Themen von kapitel 4 zu wiederholen. Wir haben eine Klausur am Freitag über Kapitel 4, und alles darin.
Wiederholen - kurze Presentation
Deutsch 3
Prüfung, Kapitel 3, alles darin! - Familie und Nachbarn, als, wenn, wann, das Fahrrad, relative pronouns, Subjunctive II in polite requests and wishes.
Presentation - Kapitel 3
Study Guide
Deutsch 4
Familie: Gruppenprojekt.
AP Deutsch
Tagesereignis - fällig Montag - Klicken Sie hier für die große Liste von deutschsprachigen Medien-Quellen