Sunday, September 16, 2018

Woche 4 - der 17. September 2018 - nach dem Hurrikan

Hello everyone! I hope you and your families are doing fine after the floods, and high winds, and torrential rains of Hurricane Florence. The show must go on this week at Enloe and below are the announcements for our German Program.

German 1
Last week's Website entry is still pertinent for the beginning of this. Remember, the next mini-project was due Tuesday of this week - the 18th of this week. Why don't we make the deadline Friday the 21st?
Wo wohnst du? Wohnst du in der Nähe? Wohnst du auf dem Land??
Audio file of the above handout - Wo wohnst du?
Was ist die Hauptstadt von Bayern? Woher kommst du?
Audio file for the above handout.

German 2
Pages 13 - 20 from your books - read, make vocab lists, do a few of the exercises in this range of pages, just so you know what's going on - we'll review in class this week - Tomorrow 17. September 2018 - you will have a sub with an assignment dealing exactly with the pages mentioned (13-20)
Next mini-Project will remain due on Thursday of this week, despite Hurricane Florence.
Notesheet for pages 13-20 in Kapitel 1 - write your answers/work in your notebooks

German 3
For Tomorrow, September 17, 2018 - you shall have a sub with assignments pertaining to pages 10-21. Please read and review these pages closely before tomorrow's class.
Next mini-Project will remain due on Thursday of this week, despite Hurricane Florence.
Note Sheet for pages 10 - 21 - study guide, etc.

AP Deutsch
Ihre Gedicht-Erklärungen, geteilt mit mir in der Wolke......
Nächstes Mini-Projekt - fällig Donnerstag. Versuchen wir mal!

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