Hallo Schüler!!
Wie geht's euch? Hier sind die Neuigkeiten für unsre Unterrichte:
Review of List of possible mini-projects, when they are assigned. Note the change in the quiz for the class. From now on, a quiz should be an online Google-style form, where you send me the link to forward to our class through remind. If you are not on remind with our class, do so NOW! Get the code from classmates who are on remind.
Upcoming - National German Exam registration has commenced for students in German 2, 3, and 4. I hope you will register for the exam, which will be at administered at Enloe during the school day sometime in mid-January, 2020. The cost is $6, which can now be paid online for a small fee at the Enloe Online School Payment website. Or you can pay me - checks made out to Enloe HS.
German Day is Wednesday, March 4, 2020, a B-day, at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. An announcement will be made soon on collecting monies for the bus I have reserved. Stay tuned!!
German 1
Die Uhrzeit - ein Youtube-Video. - one of dozens on the Internet. Examine all the short videos I post here.
Wie spät ist es? Learn German with Anja - Anja is a bit of a nutcase, but a good video!
Um wie viel Uhr kommst du rüber? - Partnerarbeit - asking when someone is coming over and responding with at a certain time with „um"
Welcher Tag ist heute? Asking what day of the week it is? Notes.
More notes on time expressions
Presentation - Wie spät ist es denn? Wie viel Uhr ist es?
Wann kommst du denn rüber? - Conversation
Kapitel 1 Test - review links
Verbal Expressions in German
Verbs to Know - Was machst du?
Present tense in German
Was machen sie? Presentation
Was machst du in der Freizeit?
Conversation - Was machst du denn??
Conversation - Was machst du gern in der Freizeit?
Conversation - Was macht deine Schwester gern?
Was machst du? Conversation with word-order focus
German 2
Pronouns in German - Kapitel 2B - Gespräch
German 3
Mini-Project Ideas - next one due Monday, October 14, 2019
an der Kreuzung - Präsentation
Kapitel 3 - Familie und Nachbarn - Notes/exercises
Als, wenn, wann - Exercise.
Rückblick - ein paar Fragen zur Diskussion
Rückblick Fragen - als Präsentation
German 4
bevorstehende Aufgaben - der 9. Oktober 2019, und darüber hinaus
Prüfung am Donnerstag dieser Woche - Kapitel 2 UND Thema 2
AP Deutsch
Allgemeiner Format - Tagesereignis
Große Liste von deutschsprachigen Medienquellen
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