Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ende März 2020

Hallo, Schüler! I sincerely hope you are hanging in there. I updated all accounts at the website: with the information you entered in the forms - links to which are in messages. Use the credentials you typed in, and give it a go!! For now I set a points goal of 50 for next week. Check your feed when you lo ongto the website. Bookmark the website!! You choose the assignments to do for now, and accumulate points for all correct answers. Take a look at the graphic for some guidance.

Kudos to Ashley and Lauren in German 4 who have begun exploring and accumulating points!! I will be curious to hear what you think of this resource.

Stay safe!! social distancing auf deutsch = soziale Distanzierung........oder Abstand halten........

Neue Links:

Deutsch 2 Blog -
Deutsch 3 Blog -
Deutsch 4 Blog -

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