Poachers killed one of the two remaining white rhinos in Zambia this past week, on Monday. These magnificent animals ar ekilled for their horns. People in various parts of the world value these horns for medicinal purposes. Hogwash, for sure, these horns, whose composition is basically hair and skin. have no value in medicine. It's another example of supernatural thinking destroying our environment.
A Few Links
- Internation Rhino Foundation
- Arkiv - Images of Life on Earth - White Rhino Entry
- World Wildlife Fund - The White Rhino
- Victoria Falls - Southern Afirca Places
- Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe and Zambia

Bob Dylan wins a presitigious art award in Spain this past week. His career in music and society is most deserving of this recognition. In 2004, his entire lyrical ouevre was among many outstanding literary masters considered for the Nobel Prize for Literature. One day, Bobby Zimmerman may get it. If not, his contribution to world culture will always remain secure.
Gaza is spiralling to a bloody conclusion of its simmering civil war between Hamas loyalists and Fatah militiamen. It looks like Hamas has the upper hand, much to the gross disappointment of Israel and America most likely, who want to see the democratically-elected Hamas government

To the right are Palestinians displaying near a Fatah police station in Gaza City yesterday during a demonstration of some sort.
So just a few things on my mind today.
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