Saturday, September 5, 2009

Week 3 - Deutsch bei Enloe High School

Deutsch 1
On Friday, we created a name plate for our desks with some large index cards and coloring pencils, etc. We decoratively wrote our German first and last names on these cards to put on our desks each day. We also colored our maps of Germany, the various states, etc. And we chose a German city to be from. Here is a link to the Wikipedia Entry of Germany and her 16 states (Bundesländer)
Woher kommst du? Asking where someone is from.
Unit 1 Online Quiz - IGNORE THE FIELD THAT SAYS ID. When you are done click Grade and Submit- Have fun!
Die Zahlen auf Deutsch - 1 - 20
Wie alt bist du? - asking how old someone is
Deutschland - die Bundesländer - Wikipedia Entry
Wo wohnst du? Asking where someone lives

Deutsch 2
Deutscher Fussball! - die Bundesliga - Offizielle Website
Wikipedia Entry on the German soccer leagues - Deutsche Bundesligen

Deutsch 3
Expressing aches and pains in German - Notesheet
Vocab exercise - Pain and Suffering in German
Rate Mal! -Guess what your neighbor has
beim Arzt - conversational exercise
Medical vocabulary - from
Germany's Health care System - one perspective
NPR story about the German Health Care system

Deutsch 4
Syllabus for German 4 Class.