as I've enjoyed teaching you a thing or two. Now my concern is that you'll allow your hard-earned rewards in German-language skills to whither on the vine during the hot Carolina summer. Here is what you can do to keep your German skills sharp:
- use German as your menu settings for your smartphone
- download the dict.leo.org app for your smartphone
- watch German videos at Deutsche Welle - click Programm or Deutschlernen for topics
- write down words in small notebook you hear from videos
- look words up later
- keep a small note handy at all times to write down German descriptions of your surroundings
- watch videos from one of Germany two publicly financed TV networks ZDF - look for programs with UT next to them - UT = Untertitel (subtitles)
- communicate with classmates over the summer in German; text in German.
- change your facebook or twitter settings to German.
- watch German movies on Netflix or Youtube.
Next year is our year to do the GAPP exchange with our partner school in Schwetzingen, the Hebel Gymnasium
Visit the city of Schwetzingen's official homepage or the Wkikpedia Page on Schwetzingen
I posted a short information sheet on the broad outlines of exchange for next year. Take a look at it, and email me if you have questions!! As soon as more information becomes known, I will update kandah.org this summer........