your summers were also relaxing and fun. A lot has occurred over the summer: Germany's World Cup Championship, Ukraine's rebels, ISIS in Iraq, Hamas and Israel bombing one another, Ferguson, MO, did I miss anything? Probably.
But the time has come to return to school with visions of friends, teachers, learning, homework, projects, rules, bells, books, dress codes, and GERMAN!
Speaking of German here are some important links to help you get started with a new year. Remember to keep checking back at www.kandah.org for updates on all things German!
German 1 Syllabus for 2014-2015
German 1 Curriculum Arcs for 2014-2015
German 2 Syllabus for 2014-2015
German 3 Syllabus for 2014-2015
German 3 Curriculum Arcs for 2014-2015
German 4 Syllabus for 2014-2015
German 4 Curriculum Arcs for 2014-2015
AP German Syllabus - under revision - the latest version will be posted shortly
College Board document on the AP German Course - lengthy, but worth a look.