We have begun Kapitel 2 - zu Hause
Family members are the main focus! and also telling time.
We'll also study word order in German - very important!!! Click these links for previews of these important topics.
Die Familie!!!
Deine Familie!!
Group assignment - describing family members
Familientreffen! - Gespräch (conversation)
Wo ist dein Bruder? - Gespräch
MASSIVE Collection of German last names. Choose one that begins with the same last name as yours.
Expressing time in German
Wann kommst du rüber? - Gespräch!
Asking wann - when - more time conversations!
Telling time in German - notesheet
Word Order in German - notesheet
On Friday, we shall have a test that covers the first unit. I will give you three incomplete paragraphs or conversations, and you will need to supplement the conversations with appropriate words. You will also be given a blank map of Germany and you will need to need correctly label the locations of the three city states in German AND 5 other states, plus their capital cities. I will pinpoint where the state capitals are the map; you will simply label 5 states of your choice and their capital cities.
various sounds of cuckoo Clocks!!! CLICK HERE!

Wir begannen Kapitel 2 - Im Sommer!! Das Hauptthema: Jugendherbergen in Deutschland! Klassenreisen!
Beginnen wir mit einem Fragebogen (questionnaire).
Reflexivverben - Anmerkungen (notes)
Reflexivverben - Gespräch
Verbal Phrases Study - review.
Irregular verbs - big list!!!!!!

Prüfung, Kapitel 1, am Freitag!
Zugreise Projekte fällig am Mittwoch.
Ich verlange drei Aufgaben von euch:
- eine hübsch angelegte Landkarte von der Reise nach Prien
- einen Absatz von deiner Reise, getippt, komplett, im Imperfekt geschrieben
- eine Aufnahme (recording) von deiner Reise, gemacht nur mit der Landkarte in der Hand.