Deutsch 1
We shall begin Chapter 3 today.
Verbal Expressions for your convenience
using gern - expessing likes and dislikes
More verbal expressions
Word Order in German - Syntax
Word order in German, Part 2
Important Time Expressions in German
haben - to have - conjugation
conversation with haben
Listening Test Files for Cornelia!!!
Deutsch 2
Your Audio Files from Kapitel 2
find your audio file, transcribe accurately everything you said, highlight the errors, and then rewrite it with edits/corrections. I shall give you the username and password today in class.
regular verbs in the simple past tense
some notes on the simple past tense
Wohin möchtest du in den Ferien fahren?
Notes on expressing where you are traveling to...
Conversation with vacation destinations
Deutsch 3
Anruf - Die Autos fahren nicht weiter!!!!
AP Deutsch
Media Sources in German-speaking Lands