Nun - National German Exam!!!!! Nächste Woche, Zimmer 2607 - Computerraum - Bringt Kopfhörer oder Ohrhörer - sehr wichtig!! Nur in der 1. und 2. Stunde passiert das Examen!
- Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - Deutsch 2 - ein A Tag
- Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - Deutsch 3 - ein B Tag
- Thursday, January 11, 2018 - Deutsch 4 - ein A Tag
Practice Exams can be found at this website:
The QUIA Website link for when we take the exam next week. You'll be given a unique username and password.
- Kapitel 6 beginnen - Wie schmeckt's????? Review!
- Was isst du gern zum Frühstück? - Fragen!!
- Modal Verb explanation
- Modal Verb - möchten - would like - conversation
- Modal Verb - müssen - must - conversation
- Modal Verb - mögen - to like - conversation
- Modal Verb - mögen conversation #2

- Einkaufen - Conversation
- Einkaufen - Short Presentation
- Demonstrative Pronouns - Part 1 - conversation
- Demonstrative Pronouns - Part 2 - conversation
- Kaufrausch!! Kandah Kaufhaus! Klassenprojekt.

- Comparative Worksheet that was due today, Thursday. Compare your answers to mine, and then complete exercises D and E on page 121 of the packet. You should definitely have your Chapter 14 packet nearby when you do these.
- Flipgrid - Vergleiche!!! Due Monday, January 8.

- Relativpronomen - Genitiv - Analyse!
- There is a #7 to Exercise 1. Please do this, along with Exercise #2, page 233. Make a vocabulary list also from the new lexical items in these exercises.
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