Monday, January 22, 2018

Ende Januar, 2018 - nach der Schneepause!!!

Willkommen! Schluss mit dem Schnee, gell?

Hello everyone, welcome back from snow week, North Carolina style! Time to get back into the rhythm of German class, with, among other things, German Day!!!!

German Day - Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - „B" Tag!

A few essential documents for German Day, 2018 - Theme: Lass uns reden!!! at UNC-G this year!!
  1. Rules and contests - please read closely before signing up!!
  2. The Poems for this year - start memorizing!!
  3. Words for the Spelling Bee - I can print these for you, if you are serious about competing.
  4. Verbs for the verb bee - know thy verbs!!!!
  5. Sign-Up Sheet - type your name - First name and last initial only! - under the competition you are willing to compete in to your best ability! 

Probable Costs for German Day - I'll announce when I will start collecting again.
  • bus ride - charter bus, 55 seats - $20 - some have already reserved a seat!!!
  • registration - $5 (at least last year it was, I assume it is the same)
  • T-Shirt - $10 (last year it was $10 per t-shirt)
  • Lunches - I believe on your own......

Remember, scroll below for last week's assignments, links, etc.....some of which are still relevant this week!!!!!

Future Tense in German - overview
Kapitel 6 review!!
Another short review
Worksheets from Thursday

Einkaufen!! Projekte für die Woche!
Sample Video - zum Obst- und Gemüseladen I whipped this video together this afternoon. Just an idea of what you should strive for as you plan your video. I am certain your videos would be better!!
Skits UPDATE!! Everyone - PLEASE READ!!!!!
Kapitel 7 -  Einstieg ins Thema!
Kapitel 7 - Was für Hobbys und Interessen hast du denn? - Gespräch
Wofür interessierst du dich? - Gespräch 

Flipgrid - Wien? Budapest? Prag?
Konjunktiv II - Vergangenheit - erster Blick
Konjunktiv II - Vergangenheit - wenn/dann Sätze
Wanderung Aufsatz

Aufgaben - Donnerstag, den 1. Februar 2018
Aufgaben - Mittwoch, den 7. Februar 2018

Aufgaben - Donnerstag, den 1. Februar 2018

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